3 Tips to Get Better Grades Next Semester

The recent course registration process has got me thinking of ways of making my next semester better (even though final exams aren’t here yet). I have asked around and observed the habits of top-graders, and here are 3 common things that we can consider doing next semester:

1. Sit in front of the class

At the front, it is easy for you to listen to what is being presented and easy for you to seek clarification when the need arises. Compared to when you sit at the back, there will be that resistance when you want to ask your lecturers questions because it requires you to project your voice across the classroom, and you just don’t have the guts to do that don’t you?

2. Come to class as prepared as possible

Refer to the lesson plan and have a rough idea of what is going to be covered on a particular day. If you need to read, read; if there are assignments, do it (even when you know the lecturer is not going to grade your work). Be ready as much as possible. Doing so helps you retain whatever that is going to be covered on that day better. Trust me. No, trust the top students.

3. Don’t skip class unnecessarily

We all know well enough that we each have a few days to miss class before we get the warning letter and barred from exam. However, unless you are very confident that you won’t miss anything by not attending class, you should never do it ‘for fun’. If your past grades for quizzes and tests are poor, you should never skip class.  If there are instances where you can’t respond to questions posed by the lecturer, you should never skip class. If you always tell yourself, ‘it’s okay, I can try to understand this later’ in class many times, but you rarely follow-up with actions, you are not worthy to skip classes. If you care for your grades, that is. If not, just do as you please, Sir. Success needs sacrifices — so if you are not willing to sacrifice your sleep to attend classes, maybe you don’t deserve success? Wallahu A’lam.

All right, these are the 3 things I got from my high-achiever friends. The choice is yours!

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