To IIUM Smokers

I am not even going to touch on how smoking is bad for health etc. I am sure at this point, you are well aware of what you’re doing to yourselves. If you don’t – well sadly, judging by kinds of students I have met in this school, I am not that surprised if there are – try to read up on it, ok?

I just really wish you guys can clean up after yourselves. I mean, it is already one thing that you smoke in campus (yes, it is not allowed if you don’t know you ignorant pieces of meat), but littering the cigarette butts as well? How low can you people go?

There’s this invention which they have introduced to the global society called the rubbish bin, alternatively called trash can and waste container. You can read about it here. Civilised people dispose their trash (trash means waste materials which includes cigarette butts) in rubbish bin to keep the environment clean. You smokers should consider doing this, too!

It really frustrates me seeing the butts on the floor of the toilets, around Mahallahs and some parts of the university. Such an eye-sore, not to mention unhygienic. Maybe it is already a normal scene in Malaysia or whichever country you’re from, but it doesn’t mean at all that it is acceptable.

For the sake of Allah, if you call yourselves Muslims, do try best to act like one! You may think that littering is a small thing, but it’s actually a good representation of your faith and upbringing. If you can’t control your urge to smoke (already a sign of your weak Iman), the least you could do is to dispose them wastes properly isn’t it?

I am not saying that all smokers are litterbugs, but majority of the ones I have met are, and this post is directed to them. Trust me, I’ve tried talking some sense to some of them, but they’d reply me with a lot of meaningless cow feces which led me to writing this post here.

A Muslim shouldn’t wish bad things for his brothers so I won’t. So, I am just going to pray that Allah rewards your actions justly and teaches you in the best way possible, hard or soft I let Him decide. Amin.

Next: people who don’t know how to use the toilet.

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